Thursday, August 26, 2010


Our life goes from different twists and turns. There is a tension in our daily life which hampers our health to get nourished. We all need to come out of this and thus I believe practicing yoga is not only a best way to get rid of our bad health problems but keep our minds stable and calm in all situations. In my last post I mentioned about Pranayama. Let me throw light over the topic here. Pranayama is the breathe control technique which is vital part of Yoga. This is the first step that leads you to the highest point of meditation. 

Advantages of Pranayama-
  • Through pranayama you learn to breathe properly and in a healthy way.
  • It throws away all the harmful toxins out of our body.
  • Improves digestive system.
  • Helps to concentrate on one thing.
  • You feel much relaxed and energetic.
  • You start to hold control on yourself.
  • Make your lungs clear of toxins and makes it stronger.
One point of caution here is, even though Pranayama is beneficial for all of us but it should be learned  from a good yoga instructor or a teacher. Otherwise may reach harm to us sometimes due to doing it in a wrong way.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do you breathe?

You should always remember one thing about breathing and that is breathe by your nose. It is found that people unknowingly breathe by their mouth. This lead them to many problems. One more thing which ignored by many of us is either we breathe very fastly or little by little. Such breathing practice doesn’t help us to have enough intake of Oxygen. The result is increased level of toxins in the body. 

Yoga gives you the way of breathing in a right manner. Pranayama is one such breathing practice that rejuvenate your whole body and keeps you energetic always. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yoga has benefited human since ages. It has been very well adopted by many people not only from India but also worldwide. It is very easy to opt and less expensive with compare to its contemporary techniques. A newbie can start realizing its effect just after starting it in few weeks.

Let’s throw light over some points, which will inspire you to practice yoga at least four times a week.

1) Yoga fights with disease

Yoga helps to reduce risk of many coronary artery ailments as well as make your immune system working in a better way than ever before. It is also good for patients who are suffering from joint pain, asthma and obesity. Various researches show that cancer patients also got dramatic relief after making Yoga their part of life.

2) Easy way of exercising

 There are different kinds of people with their typical body characteristics. Yoga caters to all of those regardless to their age, gender and the illness they are suffering from. For yoga you do not need some special equipments or extra space at your home. It can be practiced very well indoors as well as in your garden or even on your terrace. Few minutes of yoga can rejuvenate you and make the morning a perfect start of the day.

3) Effects internally 

If you practice yoga everyday you will never worry about your cholesterol level because it helps to reduce it drastically. While doing yoga your blood circulation becomes easy and it increases up to a satisfactory level. The best thing is that it also boosts up your endocrine system which is the epicenter of all the hormones.

4) A source of calmness

Yoga is a best way to take away all the stress and tension from your body and leads you to the mental calmness. Regular yoga practitioners are always in a good mood than others and have a glow on their faces. Yoga helps you to peep into your inner self.

5) Anti aging tool

Those who are always very concerned with their wrinkles on the face and are conscious about their growing age yoga also has some thing for them in its stocking. It is very well seen by many of the people that yoga acts like an anti aging tool and keeps them much younger than their actual age. So now there are no sleepless nights anymore because once you adopt yoga it will automatically set you inner clock to it its proper time will give a complete relax to your whole body.

Yoga is not a sure shot remedy on all the disease and body problems but it’s certainly helps to keep the problems to a minimum level and saves you from facing further consequences.

Apply yoga in your life and see what magic it does for you!